Thursday, January 9, 2014

Who You Really Are

at 5:22 PM  |  No comments

"The Source is within you, and this whole world is springing up from it."
- Rumi
When a member of a particularly enlightened African tribe does something hurtful or unloving, they take the person to the center of town and the entire tribe comes and surrounds them.
For two days, they remind this person of every good thing they have ever done. The community sees misdeeds as a cry for help.
They band together for the sake of their brother or sister to hold them up, to reconnect them with their true nature, to remind them Who They Really Are, until they fully remember the truth from which they had temporarily been disconnected - "I AM good!"
The Inside Out journey is the journey to Who You Really Are.
From the Outside In perspective, it may appear that everyone is separate from you and that you are separate from Source.
From the Inside Out perspective, it becomes clear that we're all one and that each of us not only came from and will return to Source, but actually IS Source.
In The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Really Are, Alan Watts writes, "the most strongly enforced of all known taboos is the taboo against knowing who or what you really are." He goes on to state emphatically that you are one with God; that, in fact, you ARE God - and, of course, so is everyone else.
Evidence that the taboo against knowing Who You Really Are is being lifted is available everywhere these days. I was especially encouraged when Wayne Dyer - speaking to the entire PBS viewing audience and thus speaking to millions of mainstream viewers - announced to them, "You are God." He told them, "Saying 'I am God' is not blasphemy. It is your identity." I remember thinking, "It's wide open now. We can all feel free to express our full magnificence."
Your perception of Who You Believe You Are determines everything. It determines what you think, what you feel, what you do, and what you allow yourself to manifest. If you believe you are God / Source in a physical body, you will allow yourself the happiness, health, and wealth you desire. You will live in love, joy and abundance.
The world you experience and everything and everyone in it is reflecting back to you Who You Believe You Are. If you mistakenly believe you're limited, flawed and insignificant, you'll miss the infinite love and support available to you from a kind and compassionate Universe - a Universe that is always conspiring on your behalf.
"When we dig deeply enough into our real nature, we do not find darkness. We find endless light." - A Course in Miracles
You are not the small separate self you thought you were. You're not here to climb the ladder of righteousness, to repay karmic debts from past lives, or to live a life of quiet desperation. No!
You are an eternal being with infinite power to create from your unique and valuable perspective.
As you begin to accept the truth of Who You Really Are, you begin the transformation from your limited lesser self to your expanded True Self.
With an understanding of Who You Really Are comes the wondrous knowledge that you and Source are one and that Source is your Universal partner - always loving, always caring, always inviting you to a deeper connection.
The Inside Out journey is the journey to Who You Really Are.
Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her three ebooks - "Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire;" "Manifesting from the Inside Out with the Law of Attraction;" and "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction" - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, download a free copy of her ebook "Magical Musings on the Law of Attraction," and subscribe to her ezine, visit Gold Star Coaching.

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