Here's a tricky question for you. What is more important in your opinion your intellect or your intuition? And how about intelligence? I
see it this way, intuition which comes from the spiritual realm, to do
with the third eye and the heart sensitivity, is always good, useful and
above all truthful. The intellect which resides in the head area, the
mind, also good, but does not necessarily have to do with intelligence,
and could be disastrous when overinflated. And overinflated intellect
goes along with an overinflated ego. A very dangerous combination. There
is nothing more boring or draining than to be with someone with an
overinflated intellect and ego.
A Sufi Master Hujwiri said: 'There
are three forms of culture: the mere acquisition of information;
religious culture, following rules; and the elite culture.'
the mere acquisition of culture and the religious culture goes hand in
hand with the intellect. You read, you repeat what you have been fed,
sometimes without reflection or digestion, you accept blindly as total
truth. Whereas the elite culture is the combination of the two, the
intellect and the intuition together with spiritual intelligence. It is
receiving information, digesting, reflecting, analyzing and then coming
up with a result that is your own truth. Intelligence as well as
reflection and digestion has to do with a non physical realm.
the west much emphasis is laid on the intellect which is important,
except that there is a great danger, as there is in all things, when the
golden middle line is crossed. The danger is having an over developed
intellect. Often an over developed intellect is mistaken for
intelligence. Intellect is acquired knowledge from outside sources. It
is using the brain, it is ability, it is genius, it is propensity but it
is also most definitely partiality. It is only partial because it does
not include the whole truth.
In contrast Intelligence is reason,
understanding, sense, penetration, mentality, distinction,
discrimination and refinement. In other words intelligence goes a step
further and deeper than intellect, it goes into reason and
understanding. This we reach when we combine a harmony of intellect and
love, the heart aspect. Or intellect with spirit with intuition. The
knowledge is taken intellectually and reflected on an inner deeper level
bringing the heart love aspect into it in order to shed a different
light upon it, to make visible other deeper aspects, giving a wider and
more holistic view.
With an overdeveloped intellect the heart
aspect is not included. Everything happens in the head area, it gives
only a partial view of the whole. No deep thought or reflection is
exercised any more, and facts are accepted and stated as read or taken
from an external material source. Anything else that does not fit in is
flatly rejected. Over the centuries many brilliant scientists,
philosophers and religious leaders have been guilty of this. An
intellect has no compassion nor deeper understanding that penetrates
through the physical and the obvious. The inner balance and harmony is
lost when one has an over inflated intellect.
Intelligence, in
comparison, is based on deep reflection with an open mind and a
compassionate heart. Intelligence embraces all, versus an over developed
intellect that separates everything into different compartments. The
danger in an over developed intellect is that it can block the mind, the
heart and the intuition and what more in its rigidity can lead to
mental illness. Far too many are considered intellectual geniuses who in
reality are doing nothing but intellectual masturbation stuck with an
idea closed to any new thought or input that would disturb their
equilibrium. This you experience when you read a well written document
or hear a very articulate speech after which you say to yourself 'now what was all that about? What did he or she actually say? What was the core of the message?'
This experience can leave you feeling stupid, confused and less
adequate, instead of feeling emotionally inspired and mentally enriched.
cease to question your own beliefs, never stop reflecting on what you
hear or read, weigh the information and view it from all aspects and
only then make up your own mind as to whether you want to add it to your
knowledge or discard it. Or may be if you are not sure, even put on
hold for a while.
This rule goes even for this article here
that you have just finished reading. Take this as food for thought for
you to reflect on.
Margo Kirtikar Ph.D. spiritual reacher and guide, life coach,
author, speaker, artist, lives in Switzerland. Her books are available
Free e books can be downloaded from her websites.
Free e books can be downloaded from her websites.
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